The Joy & Sacred Journey of Motherhood
Are you preparing for Motherhood and
considering having Doula support?
Doulas provide a caring and positive emotional, physical, advocacy and educational support to a pregnant person, also during labor and in the postpartum recovery period.
Doulas support women in ALL types of births, not just natural childbirth.
Here’s a Tip for finding the right doula for you:
The foundation of being a doula is offering non-judgmental support, no matter where and how a woman chooses to birth. So, if you’re searching for the right doula to support you, choose someone who will support you no matter what birth plan you choose and choose someone you feel safe with and can trust and feel supported by every step of the way.
Personally, after having interviewed dozens of women throughout my life on their pregnancy journey, I’ve found that the path of motherhood has offered women a journey of huge self-discovery, clarity, and vision. And - more often than not - it's a journey that's full of surprises. Depending on the mother-to-be’s current social / support circle, the journey can, at times, feel lonely or overwhelming, which is why having doula support at your side is so valuable.
I’ve found that along with the excitement of welcoming baby, women especially have many thoughts and feelings they're trying to negotiate. While there's the important and standard checklist to go through such as medical checkups and eating the right foods, pregnancy and motherhood also have an entire “feeling journey” that often goes unchecked. Mothers-to-be go through a daily experience of transformation that changes day by day, on the level of mind, body, and spirit. Oftentimes, thoughts linger on preparing for this new life, co-parenting with your partner, closing and then opening new chapters, as well as other potential stressors that keep you up at night.
Every person has a unique story. I’ve found that many mothers-to-be have a concrete need during pregnancy, to channel their voices and also processing their experience with depth, authenticity, self-empowerment, and in a way that honors their values and unique personal vision for their life, with their new baby and new family in mind.
I’ve also seen how many women (and men) - mothers and fathers - get so immersed in their parenting responsibilities after baby has arrived, that they can get stressed or overwhelmed by the millions of details that accompany their new roles, adjustments in their individual lives and relationship, schedule, and more. This situation can have a huge toll on every unit of the family as well as have a long-lasting effect. This observation has been a huge revelation for me in terms of noticing where there is room to offer greater support for parents-to-be PRIOR to baby’s arrival.
With that in mind, one of the things that makes my service unique is that my transformational coaching is geared towards you being a pregnant mother, with a sensitive ear to what the journey of motherhood is like for you and how you would like to shape it to match a clearer, truer, and more joy-filled experience.
One of the best ways to create a long-lasting healthy family is to prepare for it. And it starts with both parents, especially the pregnant mother.
Questions to ask yourself:
- What kind of support do you want and need right now?
- Are there issues coming up for you where you’re being triggered?
- Do you have any significant issues that you haven’t dealt with yet that you'd like to resolve, especially right now before Motherhood or after birth?
- How do you feel knowing you have the support of a trusted and highly competent doula - who you feel safe with - to address ANY issue or concern without judgment, and that you wouldn't be alone to do so?
- What is possible for you when you finally face those issues and create resolution around them?
- What kind of positive ripple effect would occur for you, your baby, and family?
- How would you like to create more joy with the remainder of your pregnancy and beyond?
Support can take the form of creating sacred space to honor what is happening right now- and we do that via spiritual counseling, prayer / spiritual mind treatments, coaching, couples' coaching, and if other forms of support are needed, tapping into those resources as well. Support can also be about creating a clear vision for your life, baby, and child-and-family-rearing that may include traditional elements or exploring new approaches.
No matter where you are, I’ll help you to have the best pregnancy journey you can have with tender, loving care, guidance, and support every step of the way.
With Love,
When I found that Liza Camba is a Certified Transformational Coach with training in hypnotherapy, NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming), and Neuro Design Engineering, and she has great knowledge and experience guiding women through Hypnobirthing, I went to her to ensure that the birth of my first baby would be successful. I am so blessed that my birth experience was not only successful for me in that it was easy, fearless and mostly comfortable, but it was also a great success for the health of my baby son. His heart rate stayed strong throughout the whole birth so he was never in any distress, and he got to come out naturally positioned in the most comfortable way for me head down face down. He got the full benefit of coming down the birth canal so that he could receive all the healthy flora which gives him the foundation for a healthy immune system as it builds all the colonies of healthy bacteria in his digestive tract. Digestion is 90% of the immune system's function. He came out of the birth canal naturally without any drugs or epidural. I owe a great deal to the therapy sessions I had with Liza to prepare my mind, body and soul for the big day of my baby's delivery.
Initially I had a lot of fears of the unknown since this was my first baby. My goal was to overcome that fear so that I would be able to relax and allow the uterus enough blood flow and oxygen to do its job without unnecessary pain. Liza's amazing NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) techniques really worked to help me to release the fear of childbirth and allow the joy of childbirth to flood my heart and body with the oxytocin I needed to tap into to have a beautiful gentle and comfortable birth.
Thanks to Liza's therapy sessions I was able to experience giving birth as nature intended. I was able to focus on the Hypnobirthing breathing with each contraction or "surge" to dissipate the pain like a vapor vanishing away into the atmosphere with each satisfying breath. The surges came like waves I was able to glide on smoothly with endurance and comfort allowing my baby to glide comfortably too. If I lost focus, my husband who also knew Hypnobirthing and NLP techniques was able to anchor me back so that I could ride the waves rather than be crushed by them. Liza is an expert at anchoring techniques in Hypnobirthing. She is able to help both the mother to be and her partner to work together to have a successful healthy comfortable gentle blissful natural birth. ~Nabby O, Cerritos, CA
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I have known Liza since we were kids, and it's been my joy to have her as a close friend these past 9 years. I had reconnected with Liza because my spirit was broken dealing with divorce, a reinvention of self, and my father's palliative care. She shared her gift of healing, mentorship, and friendship with me. Through energy healing, clairvoyance, & therapeutic coaching, she helped me pick myself up and use my power. Today I am happier and more resilient, able to center myself and confidently make choices aligned with my truth.
I specifically want to speak of Liza's role as my doula. With her intensive support, she emotionally and spiritually prepared me for childbirth and motherhood. I had many questions and fears, "What should I be doing now during pregnancy? Could I handle childbirth? Was I capable of doing all that was necessary to care for my child?, Would I be a good mother?." Like a faithful attendant, Liza patiently helped me work through my fears and plan and do what was best for me.
Unique to Liza as doula, she provided services in neuro linguistic reprogramming and hypnotherapy. With neuro linguistic reprogramming, we did exercises to recondition my resistance to the workload of baby rearing. Almost instantly, I no longer resented or resisted it and even welcomed it. With hypnotherapy, she prepared scripts and recordings that I would listen to daily in order to address my fears about birthing. And of course, Liza was there on Joshua's birthing day and coached me to give birth with ease.
Liza also arranged a motherhood blessing as my doula. So often the focus is on baby showers, where helpful gifts are bestowed for the newborn, yet little or no attention is given to the mother's role as lifegiver. In my motherhood blessing, she facilitated a public sharing where my women folk shared memories of me and positive affirmations to usher in my sacred transition. Liza's role as my doula resulted in a me who is more confident, less resistant to giving birth and mothering with ease.
Liza offers many services, including but not limited to energy balancing and healing, clairvoyance, sacred event planning, yoga, art, and music therapy. If you choose to work with Liza, her services will be specially tailored for you, multimodal, creative, and powerful. I'm certain your life will be positively impacted! ~MG, RN
Initially I had a lot of fears of the unknown since this was my first baby. My goal was to overcome that fear so that I would be able to relax and allow the uterus enough blood flow and oxygen to do its job without unnecessary pain. Liza's amazing NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) techniques really worked to help me to release the fear of childbirth and allow the joy of childbirth to flood my heart and body with the oxytocin I needed to tap into to have a beautiful gentle and comfortable birth.
Thanks to Liza's therapy sessions I was able to experience giving birth as nature intended. I was able to focus on the Hypnobirthing breathing with each contraction or "surge" to dissipate the pain like a vapor vanishing away into the atmosphere with each satisfying breath. The surges came like waves I was able to glide on smoothly with endurance and comfort allowing my baby to glide comfortably too. If I lost focus, my husband who also knew Hypnobirthing and NLP techniques was able to anchor me back so that I could ride the waves rather than be crushed by them. Liza is an expert at anchoring techniques in Hypnobirthing. She is able to help both the mother to be and her partner to work together to have a successful healthy comfortable gentle blissful natural birth. ~Nabby O, Cerritos, CA
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I have known Liza since we were kids, and it's been my joy to have her as a close friend these past 9 years. I had reconnected with Liza because my spirit was broken dealing with divorce, a reinvention of self, and my father's palliative care. She shared her gift of healing, mentorship, and friendship with me. Through energy healing, clairvoyance, & therapeutic coaching, she helped me pick myself up and use my power. Today I am happier and more resilient, able to center myself and confidently make choices aligned with my truth.
I specifically want to speak of Liza's role as my doula. With her intensive support, she emotionally and spiritually prepared me for childbirth and motherhood. I had many questions and fears, "What should I be doing now during pregnancy? Could I handle childbirth? Was I capable of doing all that was necessary to care for my child?, Would I be a good mother?." Like a faithful attendant, Liza patiently helped me work through my fears and plan and do what was best for me.
Unique to Liza as doula, she provided services in neuro linguistic reprogramming and hypnotherapy. With neuro linguistic reprogramming, we did exercises to recondition my resistance to the workload of baby rearing. Almost instantly, I no longer resented or resisted it and even welcomed it. With hypnotherapy, she prepared scripts and recordings that I would listen to daily in order to address my fears about birthing. And of course, Liza was there on Joshua's birthing day and coached me to give birth with ease.
Liza also arranged a motherhood blessing as my doula. So often the focus is on baby showers, where helpful gifts are bestowed for the newborn, yet little or no attention is given to the mother's role as lifegiver. In my motherhood blessing, she facilitated a public sharing where my women folk shared memories of me and positive affirmations to usher in my sacred transition. Liza's role as my doula resulted in a me who is more confident, less resistant to giving birth and mothering with ease.
Liza offers many services, including but not limited to energy balancing and healing, clairvoyance, sacred event planning, yoga, art, and music therapy. If you choose to work with Liza, her services will be specially tailored for you, multimodal, creative, and powerful. I'm certain your life will be positively impacted! ~MG, RN
About Liza

Liza is devoted to every one of her clients, and especially enjoys supporting pregnant clients who are seeking to align with the greatest version of themselves during pregnancy and after giving birth.
My first experience being an official doula was in 2018 when my good friend asked me if I could offer her support during her pregnancy utilizing my ample training as a yogi, coach, hypnotherapist, and priestess. I was so honored and happy to be of service to her and her family during this special time. Utilizing my previous training, being her hypno-birthing partner, incorporating sacred ceremony, and more, we infused more ease, peace, and support throughout her pregnancy, labor, and delivery. Since that day, more women have sought out my doula support and it's been such a pleasure and honor to be of service to them during this precious time.
Liza has ample training as a Transformational Coach, Neuroscientist, Modern Day Priestess, and Doula, and specializes in NLP, NeuroHealth, NeuroRelationships, NeuroEducation, and NeuroSpirituality. Cultivating a healthy brain and mindset is fundamental to creating the best choices to affect one's life and future. Liza believes that one of the best ways to ensure a happy and healthy baby, mother, and family is to provide as much conscious support that is possible to bring about heightened self-awareness, clarity, healing, understanding, honest living, unconditional loving, and overall self-empowerment. Let's work together to set you off on your empowered, joy-filled path!
My first experience being an official doula was in 2018 when my good friend asked me if I could offer her support during her pregnancy utilizing my ample training as a yogi, coach, hypnotherapist, and priestess. I was so honored and happy to be of service to her and her family during this special time. Utilizing my previous training, being her hypno-birthing partner, incorporating sacred ceremony, and more, we infused more ease, peace, and support throughout her pregnancy, labor, and delivery. Since that day, more women have sought out my doula support and it's been such a pleasure and honor to be of service to them during this precious time.
Liza has ample training as a Transformational Coach, Neuroscientist, Modern Day Priestess, and Doula, and specializes in NLP, NeuroHealth, NeuroRelationships, NeuroEducation, and NeuroSpirituality. Cultivating a healthy brain and mindset is fundamental to creating the best choices to affect one's life and future. Liza believes that one of the best ways to ensure a happy and healthy baby, mother, and family is to provide as much conscious support that is possible to bring about heightened self-awareness, clarity, healing, understanding, honest living, unconditional loving, and overall self-empowerment. Let's work together to set you off on your empowered, joy-filled path!
Doula Support Looks Like...
Sacred Ceremony “The Mother’s Blessing” (1-3 Months Before Birth)
Highly recommended! There is no substitute for this experience. It is a day that the Mother-To-Be will never forget. She will be honored with her new role as a mother by her closest friends and family and gifted with tools to offer strength and support during her day of labor and birth. This is a gathering of celebration, deep remembering, connection and gratitude. This is a wonderful gift to give yourself or to gift your sister, friend....Mother-to-be.
Prenatal Support
Spiritual counseling, prayer / spiritual mind treatments, visioning, hypo-birthing, meditation, transformational coaching, couples' coaching, healing of past constrictions and programming, etc. This is highly recommended for any mother who wishes to start her days of Motherhood with the greatest level of clarity, self-awareness, and pure sovereignty -- transcending negative patterns, past limited thinking, emotional trauma, fear, self-doubt, and beyond.
Labor & Delivery
My role as your doula is to offer you comfort, support, and guidance, and to help create an environment where you feel safe and heard during your birthing experience.
Post Natal
Spiritual counseling, prayer / spiritual mind treatments, visioning, coaching, couples' coaching, etc. The first few weeks and months of Motherhood are filled with a lot of newness, transformation, sleepless nights, and immense change on so many levels. One of the best ways to navigate this unique time is to make sure you have a dedicated doula at your side to process your experience, to lean on for support on many levels, and to help amplify the joy of your new life.
Sacred Ceremony “The Mother’s Blessing” (1-3 Months Before Birth)
Highly recommended! There is no substitute for this experience. It is a day that the Mother-To-Be will never forget. She will be honored with her new role as a mother by her closest friends and family and gifted with tools to offer strength and support during her day of labor and birth. This is a gathering of celebration, deep remembering, connection and gratitude. This is a wonderful gift to give yourself or to gift your sister, friend....Mother-to-be.
Prenatal Support
Spiritual counseling, prayer / spiritual mind treatments, visioning, hypo-birthing, meditation, transformational coaching, couples' coaching, healing of past constrictions and programming, etc. This is highly recommended for any mother who wishes to start her days of Motherhood with the greatest level of clarity, self-awareness, and pure sovereignty -- transcending negative patterns, past limited thinking, emotional trauma, fear, self-doubt, and beyond.
Labor & Delivery
My role as your doula is to offer you comfort, support, and guidance, and to help create an environment where you feel safe and heard during your birthing experience.
Post Natal
Spiritual counseling, prayer / spiritual mind treatments, visioning, coaching, couples' coaching, etc. The first few weeks and months of Motherhood are filled with a lot of newness, transformation, sleepless nights, and immense change on so many levels. One of the best ways to navigate this unique time is to make sure you have a dedicated doula at your side to process your experience, to lean on for support on many levels, and to help amplify the joy of your new life.
Pre-Created Plans (Mix & Match. Custom plans also available)
Sacred Ceremony / "Blessingway" Ceremony
Mother's Blessing Ceremony........ On average, 90-minutes, customized. Usually at month 7 or 8. Cost TBD.
An ancient tradition that can be integrated, in addition to, or a complete alternative to the popular Baby Shower ritual.
Mahal Circle for Motherhood
A private healing and transformative space for the Mother-to-Be and her community of friends and family. This can be integrated into or a custom version of the "Blessingway Ceremony" event.
Prenatal Support
1 session = 75 min long, $350 per session
*Packages offer bundled rate, save 10%
Labor & Delivery Support
Post Natal Support
Also, Packages:
Custom Packages can combine any mix of the above services.
*Please Inquire
Sacred Ceremony / "Blessingway" Ceremony
Mother's Blessing Ceremony........ On average, 90-minutes, customized. Usually at month 7 or 8. Cost TBD.
An ancient tradition that can be integrated, in addition to, or a complete alternative to the popular Baby Shower ritual.
Mahal Circle for Motherhood
A private healing and transformative space for the Mother-to-Be and her community of friends and family. This can be integrated into or a custom version of the "Blessingway Ceremony" event.
Prenatal Support
- 3 Session Minimum. (Anytime. At least one of these sessions should be a combined session with both partners.)
- 3-Months (2-4x month for 3 months)
- "The Mother's Dharma / Parents' Dharma" [4 unique, life-changing sessions PLUS one bonus session within 60 days for the Mother only or the option for both parents to experience it].............................Today's Special Price = $1550/$3100 (Individual or with Partner, Regularly $3100/$6200)
- 6-Months (Weekly or Bi-Monthly) (At least one of these sessions should be a combined session with both partners and 1 session with the other partner.)
1 session = 75 min long, $350 per session
*Packages offer bundled rate, save 10%
Labor & Delivery Support
Post Natal Support
- 3 Session minimum. (Anytime. At least one of these sessions should be a combined session with both partners.)
Also, Packages:
- 1 Month Followup (4 weekly sessions)
- 3 Months (2 sessions per month for 3 months) [Most Popular] (At least one of these sessions should be a combined session with both partners and 1 session with the other partner.)
- 6 Months (1-3x per month) (At least one of these sessions should be a combined session with both partners and 1 session with the other partner.)
Custom Packages can combine any mix of the above services.
*Please Inquire
Interested in working with Liza as your Doula?
Email her directly to schedule a consult: [email protected] -or- TEXT her at 323-828-4947.
Email: [email protected] // Text: 323-828-4947
The Sacred Yes © 2015-2023. All Rights Reserved. Created with Love by Liza F. Camba (Sat-Akal)